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Da Smoke Brovas are a members-only, cigar social club, headquartered in Baltimore MD, made up of professional men with a passion for Fine Cigars and who value the relevance of the cigar experience.

Da Smoke Brova’s mission is to promote cigar etiquette, provide a brotherhood among professional cigar enthusiasts, and to serve our communities both near and far. We actively explore Greater Baltimore and Surrounding Area’s cigar-friendly venues, create opportunities and plan events to give brothers and sisters of the leaf the perfect arena for networking, making friends and smoking  cigars in a comfortable, relaxed environment.

We support both local businesses and larger corporations by giving them access to our highly sought-after demographic, helping to create new business opportunity for them as well as providing our members with samples and discounts on excellence products and services. Additionally, we also endeavor to make our database of professionals the go-to source for many of our members’ professional needs.


As any cigar lover can tell you, there’s a certain bond that forms instantly between two people who enjoy cigars, a sense of camaraderie that just can’t be found anywhere else. That was the basis on which Da Smoke Brovas was founded.

Burnt Leaf Cigars Baltimore is where a group of cigar aficionados would embark on a journey that was greater than themselves and Da SmokeBrovas Cigar Social Club was formed.

From the very beginning we have always strived to enrich our members’ smoking experience by creating an environment that fosters friendship, camaraderie, and networking opportunities, while not only remaining socially conscience of the needs of our community, but meeting some of those needs as well.

Core Values

These Core Values frame and define what we want to be known for. They direct the decisions we make, define our character, and preserve the culture of Da Smoke Brovas.

Meet Our Leadership

The members of our leadership represent a cross-generational group of cigar aficionados, who provide a depth of culture and cigar knowledge and experience that is fundamental to the continued growth and success of Da Smoke Brovas.

Michael Hughs
Michael HughsPresident
Allen Taylor
Allen TaylorVice President
Charles Wiley
Charles WileySecretary
Jermaine Smith
Jermaine SmithTreasurer
Earl Lane
Earl LaneSergeant at Arms


Tyrone Anderson Jr

Robert Baker

Chris Brown

Antoino Chambers

Troy Chapman

Kevin Clark

Teddy Coats

Travis Frances

Ernie Hamilton

Michael Hughes

Levi Johnson

Earl Lane

Shaun Little

Michael Matthew

Randy Rivera

Wil Rozier Jr.

Sam Scruggs

Damien Sharp

Stan Slide

Jermaine Smith

George Strother

John Swan

Allen Taylor

Frank Thomas

Robert Uzzell

Charles Wiley

Marcell Williams

Scotty Wilson

Paul Wooding

Mark Young

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